Please note our COVID-19 Safety Protocols currently in place. We will continue to monitor the status of the pandemic and respond accordingly. All programming is subject to change based on the environment of the pandemic in our community.
Dare to Dream classes and Summer programming offer process based theater education for young people ages 18 months and up. All programming connects to State Standards and highlights Character Education Through the Arts.
Classes: Students can explore the arts through year round participatory theatre education highlighting Character Education Through the Arts.
Creative Play Dates (age 18 months to 6 years old)
Drama Quests (grades K-5)
Summer camp: Students explore theater arts in this week long Theatre camp. Youth will be cast in a series of short plays that they will perform in the Sheboygan City Green July 23 & 24.
Register now
School Partnerships provide opportunities for Schools to benefit from Dare to Dream Theatre resources. Teaching Artists will come into the school throughout the year to support After School Drama Programming, In-Classroom Workshops, Pre- and Post Connections to Dare to Dream productions, School Time Matinee field trips, Classroom Residencies, and more.
Contact us to discuss a School Partnership.
School Time Matinee Performances Students and teachers can attend one of our productions as a field trip during a school day. Contact us for more information
Classroom Connection Guides: Included with every School Time Matinee performance is an exclusive Curriculum Connections Guide to extend your learning beyond attendance at the show. Pre- and Post- Performance Workshops are also available to further extend your field trip experience.
Contact us for more information